Lauren Hopkins

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The Unraveling / The Horror Collective (2024)

The Unraveling (Movie Review)

Brain injuries happen, and while they can be frightening, there are also many different kinds. A typical brain injury usually entails a concussion and confusion that tends to last only for a day or two. There are also those rare forms that cause so much ... Read More
The Convert / Vertigo Releasing (2024)

The Convert (Movie Review)

Roughly between 1320 and 1350, a voyage of people settled in Aotearoa (also known as New Zealand). Called The Maori, they spent centuries in isolation, creating their own systems of beliefs and traditions. That is, until the 18th Century when the British began exploring and ... Read More
Stockholm Bloodbath - Brainstorm Media (2024)

Stockholm Bloodbath (Movie Review)

November 1520 saw an extremely brutal and inequitable event that took place under the rule of King Christian II of Sweden. This event was known as the Stockholm Massacre or The Stockholm Bloodbath. The bloodbath, if you will, was a consequence of conflict stemming from ... Read More
Inherit The Witch / Bayview Entertainment (2024)

Inherit The Witch (Movie Review)

Films about Witches have become quite popular in the last few decades. Many of these, like 1996’s The Craft, 1999’s The Blair Witch Project, and 2015’s The Witch have resonated so well that people often give them repeat watches. This leads us to one of ... Read More