Interview – Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth of Overkill

Chances are, when you think of the founding fathers of Thrash Metal, the first to come to mind are Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax. Justifiable, since they have all respectfully been marketed as such, but back up the truck, what about New Jersey’s own Overkill? Going strong since the early ’80s, Overkill are as important to the history of Thrash Metal as any of the aforementioned bands, plus they have the attitude to prove it.

Heavy, loud, and wild, they have been inspiring mosh pits for nearly 40 years, showing little sign of fatigue as they charge toward the future. Building a strong foundation, thanks to electric live performances and their blue-collar attitude, any true metalhead would be foolish not to mention Overkill as one of the best in the Thrash Metal world. Proud of who they are, Leadman Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth took the time to talk about the crazy ride of Overkill, their latest live album, Live in Overhausen, plus much more. – Overkill has been going strong for nearly 4 decades now. One of the hardest working bands in Metal, you have released 18 studio albums, toured the world, and just keep going. First, briefly tell us, what has the journey been like for you and the band?  

Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth – On a personal level, I can tell you it has been hugely self-satisfying. I don’t think there is anything more satisfying than living the way you want to live doing what you like to do. I think, on a personal level, that is the bottom line for me – this is Levis and motorcycle boots for 3 plus decades. I am doing something I like to do – traveling the world, seeing people, making friends, and irritating the masses with loud music. I think, for the band, as a whole, the satisfaction comes from the value lasting that 3 and 1/2 decades. Sure, a lot of it is hard work, but hard work that is unrecognized goes for naught. This has obviously been recognized and that is what keeps that 3 1/2 decade journey going. I think, on both levels, it has been very satisfying. 

Bodog Music
Nuclear Blast
Nuclear Blast – Absolutely, and people gravitate to that. Being real is what it is all about and you guys have done that all these years. Overkill certainly is high-energy night after night. You, yourself, have proved to be a warrior surviving several health scares, including an on-stage seizure in 2002. That in mind, you really appear to keep yourself in tremendous shape. What is the key for you to remain healthy?  

Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth – Well, to stop chain-smoking was one of them. (Laughs) The problems are just problems, everybody has a cross. If you talk to the people who come to these shows, they all have crosses one time or another in their life that they all have to bare. That doesn’t separate us from humanity. A guy taught me  this when I was going through another health scare, he said, “Bobby, it’s not the problem you’re afraid of, you are afraid of what is on the other side of the problem.” You really just have to go through it to see if your fears are confirmed or there is a positive end to this.

It actually, for me, helped me to say, “Hey, this has nothing to do with anything. My fucking problems are very little compared to many other peoples.” That is why it’s easy to kind of celebrate this stuff. When it comes to problems, health, whatever it may be, family issues, we all have it. If I understand that I think I kind of become a better person, it comes to interacting with other people.

When it comes to health and staying in shape, it’s kind of a lifestyle. I live in Northwest Jersey. I have always been an outdoor guy – I love riding motorcycles. I love hiking with the dogs. I have always kind of worked out. I am not against fast food, but it just doesn’t appeal to me. I am not… “Oh my god, they are giving you 2 Big Macs for a buck, I’m in.” I don’t give a shit if they are giving them away for free, I don’t want them. (Laughs) That kind of helps. 

When we get together, it’s like the middle-age boys club – we are rolling dice, someone lights a Cuban cigar, and there is a bottle of Jameson being passed around – we are not angels. The point is, can you enjoy yourself, get through it, and have moderation be the key factor in all your vices? – That is true. That is really the key to life – if you live in moderation you should have a pretty good life.

Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth – No doubt, it’s not just Overkill, it’s across the board. All I am doing is fitting in and doing something I like to do. I don’t look at it as some huge fucking accomplishment. I think of it more, “Oh, I get it!” (Laughs) – (Laughs) Exactly! The band did some heavy touring in 2017 around the USA, but now you have select shows abroad. Can we expect some new Overkill shows announced in The States this year?

Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth – Yeah, 2018 is out for us for The States. We are doing demos now, we are on the second demo. It’s a workmen’s clock, we are punching a timecard, we like that. We would love to start recording drums in the next 6-8 weeks with our new addition, Jason Bittner. We are going to do some festivals, we are going to do our first little stop in India. That will be pretty cool, it will be my first time there and I love knocking shit off the bucket list, it is going to be awesome. The release for the next studio Overkill album will be in February of 2019, and following that will be US tours. 

Overkill live at Stage 48, NYC 11-24-2013. Photo credit: Dhruv Kumar.
Nuclear Blast – Right, and you have something to look back and laugh at, right? My last question for you is pertaining to movies. If you are a fan of Horror or Sci-Fi films, what are some of your favorites? 

Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth – Honestly, I’m not. I am much more into Drama. I like true-to-life stories. The best movie I recently saw was Dunkirk (2017), I thought it was done really well. I am a history buff. Believe it or not, I stay away from Horror and Sci-Fi stuff. I think probably the last thing I saw was one of the newer Star Wars. I enjoyed it, but it’s not my thing. – Understandable. History based films are compelling, it teaches you about people.

Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth – Yea, I just like it. I am not going to say I sit there and watch the history channel all the time. I don’t have time to do that, but it captures my attention. I am very much a person who likes to know where we have been, to know where we are going. I think that is a compelling statement to the present day and knowing what preceded. I think that is where the interest comes from with these types of movies. In some way, I use them with regards to motivation when writing lyrics.

Tour Dates:
5-5-2018 – Hell Heaven Festival – MX
5-19-2018 – Rock Hard Festival – DE
7-7-2018 – Bangalore – Bangalore Open air
7-10-2018 – Rockmaraton – HU
7-12-2018 – Resurrection Fest – ESP
7-13-2018 – Bang Your Head – DE
7-14-2018 – Dynamo – NL

For more on Overkill: wreckingcrew.comFacebook | Twitter 

Purchase Live in Overhausen

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