Adam Green

Interview – Parry Shen

Deep inside, there is a little bit of theatrics in all of us. Some more than others, New York native Parry Shen harnessed his creative energies into acting, and two decades in, has starred in a list of films and television series. Starring in Comedies ... Read More

Interview – Adam Green

The story is similar for all of us – at a young age we have aspirations and big dreams to do something creative, only to tell our high school guidance counsellor who chuckles before deflecting us to something more practical. Often a spirit squasher, some ... Read More

Victor Crowley (Movie Review)

It is rare in modern times that a Horror film franchise lives on past one sequel. Thankfully, due to amazing fanfare, Independent Filmmaker Adam Green (Frozen 2010, Holliston series) returns with the latest film in the Hatchet saga, entitling the flick after the notorious main character, ... Read More