Video Nasty

Nightmare 4k Severin (2024)

Nightmare (3-disc 4K Ultra HD Review)

Censorship has existed for thousands of years when it comes to speech, literature, and art. Something that rightfully angers those who believe in free thought, in more recent history this societal suppression was highly prevalent in the UK during the 1980s when many films were ... Read More

Dark Highlands (Movie Review)

The Scottish Highlands can be both beautiful and foreboding. During the day, one can see great peaks, open fields, rushing streams, and those cows with the emo fringes, but when night falls, all that fades into a pitch-black shade. If any hapless tourist does not ... Read More

Unhinged (Movie Review)

Most people tend to look forward to marriage, and while ironically more Americans are divorced than married today, it is still a symbol of the kind of bond people strive for in this world. So, of course, the four friends in Unhinged find themselves pursued by ... Read More