VV Live in Germany 5-4-2024

VV Creates Last Memories In Wiesbaden, Germany 5-4-24

Back in January of 2023 HIM’s own Ville Valo released a surprising solo debut album entitled Neon Noir. A sort of return to the sound he cultivated for nearly 30 years leading HIM, the album was released simply under his initials VV, and was received exceptionally well. Not active with HIM now for nearly 7 years, Valo has kept busy with many projects, but it is safe to say Neon Noir created a massive buzz. In fact, so much so that many flocked to shows in North America when he hit the road with Black Veil Brides for some extensive touring in the Spring of 2023. 

Returning home to Finland, Valo did some thinking, soon after announcing that the VV chapter of his musical career would conclude on one final world tour. Of course not entirely the end of the road for Valo, the highly proclaimed ‘end of an era’ began on April 4th, but was drawing closer to the grand finale in London on May 10th when VV stopped in Wiesbaden, Germany on May 4th. One of four remaining shows on the run, Schlachthof was the venue of choice for the night and the fans stood in line for the doors to open hours in advance. Sold out way in advance, what promised to be a wonderful evening of music, it was also a somber farewell to VV. 

An overall touring cycle that took VV to North American, Australia, as well as all around areas of Europe in the last breaths, the energy was plausible in Schlachthof as everyone prepared for the music. In the meantime, the London based Zetra began the night. Previously touring the UK supporting Creeper, the interesting duo performed a thirty minutes set of music which can be found somewhere between synthesized Rock and Metal, with sounds/samples that you could almost call Ethereal Rock. Mysteriously, both members stood on the stage, framed in their gear which appeared to include keyboards, an Atari controller and a guitar. 

Wearing long black ropes and black and white face paint, their music was rather slow, fitting perfectly well with the dim light and the hint of fog on stage. Some songs were a little louder and more intense, some heavier, with a little bit more Metal vibes, while others were more towards Rock. Still very new to many, judging by the audience reaction, some already were keen on Zetra, while others who were given an initial introduction watched intently in curiosity. Overall a unique set, Zetra are set to release their debut self-titled album on September 13, 2024 through Nuclear Blast Records, and after experiencing them live, you will agree it is worth checking out.

Moving along with the night, after a quick changeover the stage was set for VV. As mentioned, the excitement was easily felt… almost with anxiety and tension. With many emotions tingling through the air, at 9 PM the intro sounds began, lifting the energy up a few notches. From here VV’s supporting cast enter, followed by Ville Valo himself shortly after. Launching the set with “Neon Noir,” the tone was lively and passionate. A sort of infectious sensation, the band’s delivery rubbed off on the crowd who were also quite pumped up, singing along to every song that followed. In fact, it was so emotional that it felt like a ping pong game going back and forth, with the joy and love exchanged throughout the set. 

A truly solid group of musicians, each band member did their part during the performance while Valo moved around in the center of the stage, smiling at the fans, and enjoying the positive reception that included signs, flags and other neat fan-made stuff. Amusing enough, someone even threw a black stuffed animal on stage! Of course many were filming the show and taking photos, but everyone was singing/dancing along with each song; especially HIM offerings like “Right Here In My Arms.”

In all, VV’s set did a fine job of mixing in Neon Noir songs with HIM favorites as the show proceeded. Truly a comfortable space to be in, after a little over one hour the band played “Vertigo Eyes” and what many thought was the end, was only a teaser that followed by a epic encore that began with HIM’s “Gone With The Sin,” followed by “In Trenodia.” 

From here, the closing of this encore was supposed to be “When Love And Death Embrace,” but the backing track failed. Somethings that can not be helped at times, the band had to improvise, and with a short set of instructions by Valo, everyone knew, leading into an almost acoustic version of “When Love And Death Embrace.” Sort of a blessing in disguise, the already special night became even more so as the set closed out with a very unique version of a beautiful song.

In all, Ville Valo himself stated he had really no expectations for VV when he opted to release music under banner. If this is truly the end, it was a brief, but great run. If anything, at least we can hold out hope that Ville Valo himself has something else up his musical sleeve for the future. Until then, we have Neon Noir and the memories of this brilliant evening.

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