Amber Main

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Avatar – Hail The Apocalypse (Album review)

Swedish melodic death metal band Avatar is quickly gaining popularity in the U.S. these days. The band was formed by drummer John Alfredsson and vocalist Johannes Eckerström in 2000, which happened to be around the same time the extreme sub genre of heavy metal started becoming ... Read More

Chevelle – La Gárgola (Album review)

A lot of pretty amazing things tend to root themselves in the great city of Chicago.  Heavy-hitting and successful rock bands can definitely be added to that list. Established in 1995, talented veteran rock band Chevelle has built something pretty special in their own right ... Read More

Interview – Marty McCoy of Bobaflex

Hard work and determination can be a force of nature like none other. For Point Pleasant, WV rock band Bobaflex there was never any other way since their inception in 1998. Having experienced the highs and lows of success with radio singles, extensive touring, and ... Read More