Model House / Shout! Studios (2024)

Model House (Movie Review)

What happens when a music video Director Derek Pike (who has worked with artists such as Wiz Khalifa and DJ Drama) is paired with acclaimed Horror film Actress Scout Taylor-Compton from 2007’s Halloween, among many others? The new film Model House happens… and it leaves some curious what the results might be. 

Released on April 5, 2024 through Shout! Studios to select theaters and On Demand, Model House is a story about five swimsuit models who are in the midst of shooting a swimwear campaign at a waterfall a hundred miles north of Los Angeles. The girls are posted up at a secluded house for the weekend known as the ‘model house,’ for what they believe will be a quiet weekend, however, it is anything but such. In fact, it is soon interrupted by two intruders who are there to make a fake donation link to the girl’s social media accounts to get $1 million from their followers any way that they can.

Model House movie
Model House / Shout! Studios (2024)

Seeming like an interesting idea, alongside Taylor-Compton, Model House also stars Chris Zylka (10 Things I Hate About You TV series, The Amazing Spider-Man 2012), Cory Anne Roberts (America’s Next Top Model series), Kyra Santoro (The Orville series), Hailee Lautenbach (Ride 2018), Priscilla Huggins Ortiz (Panama 2022), Natalie Nootenboom (Savage X Fenty Show 2021), and finally Phillip Andre Botello (The Dying Game 2012, The Art of Self Defense 2019). For a few of these actresses, Model House is their first major film, and with that being said, some of their skills are still developing. Yes, Taylor-Compton and Zylka do a fine job as seasoned actors, but Santoro and Nootenboom might surprise the audience with their “I’m tired of being the damsel in distress” moments. 

Which leads us to the writing; one of the most important aspects to any movie. In enough words, if it is not executed right, you might come up with something like what transpires with Model House. In all, at times the writing feels dull, stereotypical and lacking. Additionally, some scenes even feel a bit too over the top and with too much details given away. Looking at one of the many head scratching twists, why is Botello’s character introduced toward the end of the film? Furthermore, what is the point of his character in the first place? It seems as if he was there to make an even bigger mess of matters.  

Model House movie
Model House / Shout! Studios (2024)

Despite these many issues, Model House’s camera work is on point, even offering a few cool shots, plus the lighting is well placed and effective. The music is here…and there are a few compelling scenes with the models both before and after the intruders enter… although nothing enhances the overall viewing experience all too much. Overall, Model House had an intriguing idea, but with a less than stellar script it fails. Saved by some decent acting of Scott Taylor-Compton, Cryptic Rock gives this film 3 out of 5 stars.

Model House / Shout! Studios (2024)
Model House / Shout! Studios (2024)

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