Tori Danielle

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The Before Time (Movie Review)

Sometimes audiences need to give a film a chance,despite the synopsis, critics, or thoughts of others. There are many hidden gems that will be forever missed out on because the brief synopsis given did not intrigue enough people or the ratings were horrible. But first ... Read More

Intruders (Movie Review)

With a title like Intruders, audiences have a pretty good idea of where a movie will go. Some bad guys are going to break into a house; maybe they are there to hurt people, or perhaps they merely want money or other priceless artifacts. Generally, ... Read More

Prom Ride (Movie Review)

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation,” Herman Melville once said. There is nothing wrong with the retelling of a beloved story through a remake; however, experiencing an original story for the first time is a rare privilege in the ... Read More

Silent Retreat (Movie Review)

Besides those huge movie theater debuts, Horror movies are notorious for flying under the radar. One often has to be a reviewer or avid Horror connoisseur to discover hidden gems that are not talked about much if at all. Also, originality is a hard concept to come by these days; it ... Read More