2024 horror movie

You'll Never Find Me movie

You’ll Never Find Me (Movie Review)

Isolating oneself from the rest of the world certainly has its ups and downs. Directed by Josiah Allen and Indianna Bell, their new film You’ll Never Find Me revolves around the main character Patrick (Brendan Rock: The Stranger 2022, Carnifex 2022) aiming to do just ... Read More
Frogman movie poster

Frogman (Movie Review)

Released to as a first as Collector’s Version VHS on February 9, 2024, before becoming available on VOD/Digital Platforms March 8th through Rotting Press, Frogman is the newest installment from Director Anthony Cousins (Scare Package 2019, Fat Fleshy Fingers 2023). Also serving as co-writer with John Karsko ... Read More
Double Blind movie poster

Double Blind (Movie Review)

Just as death and taxes are two of life’s certainties, so is the fact that at some point in our lives we all have to deal with doctors. With that in mind, one extremely effective sub-genre of Horror is that of medical-based horror. Joining this ... Read More
Jurassic Triangle movie poster

Jurassic Triangle (Movie Review)

Directed by Victor De Almeida (Persephone 2019, Scraps of Paper 2022), Jurassic Triangle, released on February 13, 2024 through Uncork’d Entertainment, recounts the story of a small band of colleagues who are venturing to a Caribbean oasis for a team-building excursion. However, the team’s plans ... Read More
History of Evil movie poster

History of Evil (Movie Review)

Dystopia, mania, and apocalyptic scenarios tend to play out quite often in films lately. Often insinuating something earth-shattering could bring the world together, however, what if it instead creates strife between humans? After all, it is a dog eat dog world. This in mind, couple ... Read More
The cover of out of darkness.

Out of Darkness (Movie Review)

Movies like 2000’s Cast Away and 2023’s 65 both tell stories of survival. Yet, many films about survival in the past few years are based on apocalyptic futures or more modern times. However, 2024’s Out of Darkness is a Survival Thriller that begins in a different era altogether. Set for release ... Read More