
Annabelle: Creation (Movie Review)

Pediophobia is described as the “unwarranted, irrational and persistent fear or worry of dolls.” Psychology states that this phobia is due to peoples’ inabilities to “handle fake faces,” but any doll-fearer could probably pinpoint a specific source which initiated what some would consider a rather ... Read More

A Dark Song (Movie Review)

Dancing with the Devil can only be done to the tune of one’s own dark song, a painful aria that they carry with them until the weight of it begins to crush their spirit; in which case they are then prepared to sacrifice their life ... Read More

The Witch (Movie Review)

Taking place six decades before the infamous Salem Witch trials, new film The Witch is a deliciously haunting prelude to the paranoia that consumed New England. Set for release in theaters February 19 via Studio A24, the film has earned quite a buzz in the last month. When ... Read More